Welcome to the Climate, Conflict & Fragility Summit 2024

Nigeria is at a critical juncture, facing unprecedented challenges from climate change, conflict, and fragility. The Climate, Conflict and Fragility Summit is a pivotal event aimed at addressing these interconnected issues. This inaugural summit will bring together policymakers, traditional and religious leaders, state officials, climate experts, and civil society organizations to foster a cohesive national conversation and drive actionable solutions.


Foster a Cohesive National Conversation

Build a unified dialogue on climate change, conflict, and fragility

Identify Core Issues

Engage thought leaders to define key challenges and opportunities

Recommend National Actions

Provide actionable recommendations for central government implementation

Gain Stakeholder Buy-In

Secure commitment from diverse stakeholders to address climate vulnerability, conflict, and fragility

Build Human Capital

Equip various actors with the skills to implement effective solutions

Develop Action

Identify short-term and long-term strategies at community and state levels

Why Attend?

Engage with leading experts and policymakers.

Contribute to shaping Nigeria’s response to climate and conflict challenges.

Network with key stakeholders from across the nation.

Participate in strategic discussions and workshops.

Help chart a resilient path forward for Nigeria.


Event Schedule

  • 31 JUL 2024

Keynote Address by:

1. Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu (OON)
2. Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah

Panel Discussions

1. The nexus of climate conflict, migration, health and fragiltiy in Nigeria
2. Strategies for local resilence, early warning and adaptation in Nigeria

Official launch of the Climate Action Advisory Council (CAAC)

Launch of the Climate, Conflict and Fragility National Campaign

Event Agenda!

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